Friday 9 October 2015

A summary of the preliminary task

On this post I will give you a summary of the preliminary task.
The original idea
Our original idea was about some one giving some good news to another person but unfortunately when we filmed the footage we found out that we couldn't use the footage as we couldn't edit a match on action due to the actress walking incorrectly and so we had to re-film and edit all over again. We used the same ideas but tried using different actresses this time it worked and could edit the match on action successfully. Our preliminary task made us laugh so much as we decided the good news to be about a new cake. hey why not ?

What we manged to include?
In the preliminary task we manged to include
  • A match on action
  • Character opening a door
  • A character walking across a room and sitting down opposite another character
  • And the exchange of some dialogue
Over all I'm pretty amazed and pleased how it turned out we didn't encounter any jump cuts and the match on action worked like a bomb.So it was the best we could of hoped for.

However we did encounter some problems along the way to start with the location we decided to use wasn't the best spot as we had a lot of noise and people walking by. The location we picked was our school canteen or also known as the year nine area because of this we did encounter a continuity error as at approx 0.07 seconds in to the shot we catch a climes of a dinner ladies arm.

We originally added a shot reverse shot to our task how ever we decided to add a 2 shot in between them meaning it was no longer a shot reverse shot. This happens at approx 0.11-0.we also broke the 180 degree rule. Once we identified the errors we had made we reedited the film. and sorted our continuities. 

 On my next post i will being Explaing what film distribution is