Sunday 18 October 2015

Film studio idents

Film studio ident are short clips that companies such as paramount use to identify themselves and help them be recognize by the audience. Film idents are more commonly used by film distributors but can be used by any company. The importance of idents are that there used for marketing and advert reasons and can also be informative to the audience.An example of film ident is;

Warner brothers


The Warner brothers ident has always been the same a shield floating in the clouds with initials of Warner brothers stamped in the middle. This has stayed this way for many years or has it in actual fact the Warner brothers has actually seen a surprising number of different designs and ideas. The Warner brothers ident is set in a crisp blue sky with brilliantly white clouds around it this tell us that they care a lot about the way they are portrayed and so take a lot of effort in all that they do. This makes the audience feel that much care has been taken in the ident and so the film must be good to. When the ident starts it begins with a street the ripple effect makes the audience feel like their on a journey this is trying to put across that Warner brothers have been on a long and tiring journey through their life time to get to where they are now. Near the end the shield can be seen moving center stage this tell the viewer that they have made it they are well known and stand above all the rest center stage. At the beginning of the ident the music is quiet calm and collected  this tells the audience that in their life time they've been on a rocky path to get to where they are now and also gives them a sense of safety. The music tells them that the movie is safe to watch and that they won't  be disappointed. Near the endd of the ident the music becomes louder and demanding this tell us that they have made it to the top  and there not afraid to show their power of authority.Another example of a film indent is;



This ident make you think of fairy tails like princess or something like that, this may intrigue the the audience as it gives a feel of safety and calmness. It may also help set the atmosphere for the movie as the music is also very calming and so would settle the viewer down  and get them interested before the movie begins. The paramount ident uses a large mountain that overlook some smaller mountains and is seen to be touching the sky. This portrays paramount as very power full and that they are bigger and better then the other companies.It also shows that they have very high expectations as a company and make sure that they overlook everyone else. The stars symbolizes that they rate their company quiet high and also makes the audience feel that they wont be disappointed.

Metro Goldwyn Mayer


Now this is one of my favorite idents this may be because it is so quick and simple but actually portrays quiet a lot.The fact that they have chose a lion symbolizes how great and powerful they believe their company to be. It is also quiet ironic that they have chosen the lion as it is well known as the king of the jungle and so is symbolizing that there company over rules the rest. The fact that they have used the color gold signifies there wealth and power and is also a statement of immortality and so symbolizes that their not going anywhere yet.

Rank organisation


This is another short but powerful ident as it portrays the power of the British film productions.The thrilling sight of the famous gong man was and still is England's biggest and finest film distributor.When this is seen at the beginning of films it is a symbol of power. People react to this ident in a way that is quit reminiscent of attracting peoples attention as it did in homes of yesterday year. The gong has a way of bringing people in. When this is shown at the beginning of films it tells the audience that they are about to experience another brilliant and intriguing film.The gong man simply epitomized ( to contain or represent) the best in film making.

How idents change according to a film.

Some film distributors like to change the style or genre of their ident so that it fits with the film they are about to watch here are some examples

Warner brothers Harry Potter ident


Warner brothers changed their ident to make it fit the harry potter films they did this by using music from harry potter and also giving an Eyre twist on the shield and background this is so it gives you a feel of how the film is going to be.

In my next post I will talk about film classification