- Suitable for all ( U )
- Parental guidance ( PG)
- Cinema releases suitable for 12 years of older ( 12 A )
- Video releases suitable for 12 years and older ( 12 )
- Suitable for only 15 years and older ( 15)
- Suitable only for adults ( 18 )
- Adult works for licensed premises only

These guidelines are given to every film made in the UK according to what appears in the film. But who makes this guidelines? Well that will be the British board of film classification. All films that are made have to go through this board so that they can choose what certificate the film should be rated this is chosen carefully according to if the film involves issues such as
- Discrimination
- Drugs
- Horror
- Imitable behavior
- Bad language
- Sex
- Nudity
- Sexual violence
- Violence
- Racial comments
- Context
To explain this further here some more information. Sorry in advance for the repetition but it takes you through each of the certificates and explains them well.
Here is another example;
So what do each of the certificates actually mean;

The U in this certificate stands for universal.A film rated U means that is suitable for persons aged 4 years and older however some children may find the film upsetting and so parents are asked to view the film before showing it to their children. Language in a U rated film may be mild with the odd use of words such as Damn or hell. Characters may also be seen kissing or hugging with some sexual behavior however their very very mild. Violence is very unlikely in a universal film but if their is, it will be very mild such as brief fighting scenes or moments where characters could be seen as in danger. Their will be no potential danger or anti social behavior in the film that young children could copy. No drugs, anti drugs or educational messages about drugs will be shown in a U rated film in any circumstances.A U film can express any genre or style of film as long as it is appropriate for a young audience. However i'm not saying that all U films are for children. U film will normally contain positive messages about loyalty friendship and honesty and may well have a happy ending.
Here is an example of a universal picture;
PG stands for parental guidance. This means that the film is suitable for general viewing but some scenes may not be suitable for younger children as they might find them upsetting this may mean that parents may want to view the film before they show it to their kids. Language in a PG film will be quit mild such as "shit" or "son of a bitch" however if the language is given in an aggressive manor or is frequent then the film may be given a higher rating.Their is unlikely to be any sexual references unless it is in a way that is unlikely to be understood by a younger audience.Violent scenes will also be mild blood may be seen in a PG film however no detail of the wound will be seen or given. Violence is generally seen in historical, comedic and fantasy film setting because of the distance it provides. In PG film they may be some reference toward illegal drugs or drug misuse however they are not portrayed in detail. drugs are not put into PG films if it involves any educational messages or if they show the characters taking them.A PG film will not contain any scenes that are inappropriate for a young child.PG films will also explore issues such as bulling and racism but in a way that children will understand that this sort of behavior is wrong.
Here is a example of a parental guidance film
A film that is rated 12A and video works 12 contains scenes that aren't suitable for persons under 12 years of age. The A in the 12A rating means person under 12 can't watch the film in cinemas unless they are accompanied by an adult however the parent or adult taking the person that is younger then 12 to see a 12 rated film should check to see if the film is suitable for the child before viewing.But what is the difference between the two? Well the 12A is used in cinemas mainly it means that a person under the age of 12 who wish to see the movie needs to be accompanied by an adult. A cinema found letting people under the age of 12 watch a film without an adult may lose their license.The 12 rating is mainly used in video works such as DVDs. It is because the persons cannot be checked if they are going to watch it with an adult and so the 12 remains and mean a person under 12 cannot purchase or watch the film. A film rated at 12 may contain moderate language such as f*** ,bitch or twat depending on the manner in which it is used. If the language is being put across as aggressive or abusive then the film may be rated higher . Their will also be no sexual, racial or religions comments that may be found offensive to viewers.Sexual behavior will be brief and discreet and sexual language will only be used if it is suitable for young teenagers. 12 rated films may also contain brief nudity in sexual context. Moderate violence may also be seen in films that rated 12 how ever will not be portrayed in detail but may be some gory scenes such as a blooded wounds. Long fighting scenes with weapons may also be seen in a 12 rated film however weapons that can be easy accessible to younger people such as a knife should not be used. Sexual violence such as abuse or rape may also be portrayed Briefly.They may also be scenes that contain drug misuse or illegal highs.
If you need some more info here is a short film that explains the 12A and 12 rating clearly
Here is an example of a 12/12A rated film;
A 15 symbol means that no person under the age of 15 are allowed to see, buy or rent movies or video works. A 15 rated film may include things such as:
- Strong violence
- Strong language
- Sexual activities
- Strong references of sex
- Sexual nudity
- Brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal sexual violence
- Drug taking
- Discriminating language or behavior
In a 15 rated film they will be a great deal of strong language such as F*** or c*** depending on the manner in witch it is used or who is using it. However if the language continues to be aggressive then it is likely for the rating to be higher-ed.15 rated films may also contain racist, homophobic or other discriminatory comments however the scenes will be very brief and non-detailed.They may also be long sex scenes as well however with no strong detail. Sexual nudity may also be shown how ever it is usually with no strong detail. They may also be scenes of sexual violence such as rape or verbal behavior. A 15 rated film may also contain strong violence such as long fighting scenes with weapons although they will be some gory details such as wounds and blood more stronger scenes of gory will not be portrayed.Drug use may also be shown however no education of how to take drugs should be will be portrayed.
Here is an example of a film rated 15
Here is an example of a film rated 15
Films that are rated an 18 are for adults viewing only. Any one under 18 are not aloud to watch buy or rent a 18 film in any circumstances as they are not suitable for children. This is because some scenes may come across as offensive even to the more mature audience. 18 rated films may contains things such as
- Very strong violence
- Lots of strong language such as F*** or C***
- Strong and long scenes of sexual activities
- Strong sexual violence
- Strong horror
- Strong bloody and gory scenes
- Discriminating language or behavior
R18 films are known as restricted 18 films. These films include strong sex and full nudity material involving adults. These sort of films can only be seen in specially licensed cinemas and sex shops and only shown to adults.
Here is an example of an 18 rated film.
In my next post I will be talking about narrative theories