Tuesday 26 April 2016

Evaluation question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product, 

So in this post, I will talk you through all the technologies we used in the making of our film opening to make this question interesting I have created a video ( you may have to pause the videos as some points in the video) Enjoy,

Video on the software element.

Sound recording and camera video,

Technology used during the post-production stage,

Technology used to present my work,

Some Technolgy I missed in the video above was the following,

I used facebook to communicate with the other members of my group Regium. make the communication easier we decided to use a group chat on messenger this meant that we were all on hand to put across ideas whatever time of the time and didn't have to wait till we next saw them. we also uses facebook so that we could plan when were going to next meet up to film and edit our film. we chose to use messenger as it an instant messaging service. meaning messages are sent instantly meaning they could get an answer straight away and also entitled us to bounce ideas off each other. 

Image result for facebook logo

From beginning all the way through to the end of this course I have been using a website called blogger. blogger allowed me to easily post all my research, plans, rough cuts, final cut and evaluation onto one web page. Blogger also allowed me to embed youtube videos, emaze and prezi presentations, home made videos and also images that  helped to support what I was saying in the post. it has been my life saver throughout the course as all the work can be found in one place and nothing is lost it's also easy to access and for people such as my teacher to view my work easily.

                                                     Image result for blogger logo

In my next post I will be answering the final question, evaluation question 7