Wednesday 27 April 2016

Evaluation question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression for it to the full product.

So here it is after so many stressful hours we have come to the last evaluation question, YAY......

For this question, I will be taken you on a journey back to the very beginning of this course when we knew very little about camera work, editing, mence-en-scene and sound. I will be taking you back to our preliminary task and comparing how we have improved from our preliminary task to our final cut.

This was our preliminary task, watch and enjoy,

When it came to the preliminary task  we were so excited. It was the first time we had been able to see and use a camera and see first hand how cameras were used when filming. so we had a little understanding of camera work as we did lots of planning and researching before hand this gave us a few techniques to use such as a shot reverse shot and match on an action that we could use and also how they were achieved.

Due to lack of experience on filming and camera-work, our preliminary task we did encounter some issues, some major and some minor.

The first issue we encountered was the fact the area we decided to set our preliminary task wasn't the best place as we decided to film next to the canteen meaning we had sound in our scene that wasn't meant to be there this interfered with the dialogue as it was hard to hear the actresses over the noise of the canteen. As the canteen staff had to get on with their work this also caused problems as we had dinner ladies working in and out of the canteen this cursed a continuity error you can see this continuity error through the match on action of the actress walking through the door if you look closely you can see a black coat and a foot on the other side of the door. this is seen at 00.06 seconds into our preliminary task.

By doing our preliminary task we learned that the use of an establishing shot is very important as it sets the scene for the audience giving them an idea where the action is taking place. we didn't know much about establishing shots during the filming of our task and therefore led us to not including one in the preliminary task this was an issue as the audience didn't know where they film was set and there for new nothing about the characters or where they were.

During the filming of our preliminary task, we had an issue in understanding a shot reverse shot. A shot reverse shot is an over the shoulder shot of an actor. then the shot is reversed to show the other character through an over shoulder shot. shot reverse shots are used mainly to show characters facial expressions. However, we decided that in the middle of our shot reverse shot we would add a two-shot this meant it was an incorrect shot reverse shot this is seen at 00.12 to 00.17 Looking back know we should have used the two shot straight after the shot reverse shot.

Linking back to the shot reverse shot another issue we encountered was the fact that frame is very messy and looks squished as the over the shoulder shot was incorrect. This was also a problem caused by where we chose to film as we couldn't get the camera into the right place to get the right angle as the chairs were too close to the lockers making the shot difficult to film.

During our preliminary task it is easy to see that our camera movement and frame positioning was very poor as you can see at 00.18 in our preliminary task there is a lot of waste space to prevent this we could have moved the camera closer to the character, this would have allowed us to see more of the facial expressions and the important part of the scene.

Our preliminary task didn't go very well we made quite a few mistakes and errors. our knowledge of camera movement and positioning were poor and we didn't spend enough time on our planning this is clearly showed by the fact we chose to film in a canteen.

Fatal Envy,

Here is our Final film Fatal Envy,

From our preliminary task, we have majorly improved on our shot reverse shots as you can see  in our film opening at 2; 03 you can clearly see that time was taken when filming the shot reverse shot as there is no wasted space in the frame and the facial expressions of the character can clearly be seen. to help we decided to do a lot a lot of practising on doing a shot reverse shot till we got it exactly how we wanted it also to help us we watched youtube tutorials on what a shot reverse shot is and how it can be filmed.

Compared to out preliminary task we have very much improved on where to place the camera so that less space is wasted and more attention can be focused on the main character. At 00;13 and  1;30 of our film you can see how less space has been wasted we did this by making sure Rachel was in the centre of the frame  this meant the audience were focused on what Rachel was doing rather than the setting.

At 1;30 of our film fatal envy we see a close up of Rachel. This is because we wanted the audience to be focused on her and not what is going on around her also we wanted the audience to  wonder what she is going to do. this is portrayed by the low-key lighting.

From our preliminary task, we have also improved on making our pan more smooth and precise. In our preliminary task, we moved the camera too quick for our actress this meant the actress was never in the centre of the frame this gave the audience an uneasy feeling. however during fatal envy the pan was smooth and followed Tyler at a good consistent pace so he was also in the centre of the frame.

Overall the main task was successfully amazing we also learnt how probably to use camera angles, editing, mence-en-scene sound and planning . there were fewer mistakes made and everything achieved to a high standard.

The planning for both our films,

very little planning was done during our preliminary task as we just did and created our ideas as we went along. However to make fatal envy the best it can be we did stacks of planning and researching. of films. some planning we did was.

The script,
A script helped us to keep track on what was going on in the story and also to know when the voice over came in. when creating our preliminary task we didn't make a script and so the dialogue was very plain, short and boring.

This allowed us to create an overview of what is going to happen in the film and also where everything is placed and used. again we didn't make a treatment for our preliminary task this lead to us becoming confused where we were in the scene.

The advantages of being in a group are you don't have to do it all by yourself you have people to help you out and do some of the work for you then the other group member can check it to see if it is okay. More ideas can be created as there is a use of more than one brain meaning you can be more creative. And lastly, people have different skills so someone may be better at something you are not and vice versa.

The disadvantages of working in a group are that due to people having a different view and idea arguments can be started meaning less time is spent shooting the film.

What have I learned about myself during this course

When we first started the course I was a quiet shy young lady who never had much to say in case the group didn't like what I had to say. However as time went on my confidence grew and I became engaged with the media group and my little group I started saying what I wanted to say and brought my ideas forward. This course has made me more confident about myself.

Also, when I started I knew nothing about media not even camera movement and equipment know however  my knowledge of media has improved and also skills such as how to use a camera and lighting I have learnt.

So that is it the finale hope you had a great experience following my journey bye for know,