Wednesday 25 November 2015

As media brief

So in this post I Will talk about what our final product will have to include and also what we need to create,

 So let's get started.

  The final product piece for our media product is "The titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes." This means that we will produce a 2 minute long opening scene of a film, However each team must have a different idea to another teams. Also the opening scene must include opening titles in someway and also meet a specific style of genre.

 As a class we decided to use thriller for the genre of our films this was a hard decision to make as we could of done quiet a lot with the other genres two however thriller seemed the most practical as the other genres did have their good sides but also their drawbacks in terms of creating and meeting the criteria.   So at this point you may be asking yourself "well why?"
 well know I will explain.

 Pros and cons of different genres.

 Comedy the pros

  • Comedy hasn't got a specific style of setting and so you can film a comedy in almost any location. This would make it very beneficial as you wouldn't have to worry as much about were you need to film it. 
  • It is a very easy way to entertain the audience and get them interacted
  • You don't need a lot of expensive props. 
  • You don't have to create any difficult special effects. 
  •  Doesn't need to have amazing actors as long as the can read and say the pre-written script.

Cons of comedy
  • People sense of humor isn't all the same ( and i mean life would boring if it was) what I could find really funny someone else may not. 
  •   Comedy genres tend to entwine with other genres such as romance this may become confusing to the audience.
  • It would be really hard to portray to the audience that this was a comedy in just to minuets as a lot of the comedy is done through a specific piece in the dialogue.

Horror the pros
  • The audience will be looking for thrills and so would be easy to get them intrigued and wanting them to watch more.
  • It would allow your creative side to come out as you could be as creative as you like.
  • Their will also be lots of opportunity for you to develop editing skills and also gives room for special effects.
Horror the cons
  • Props make up and -consumes it may be hard to make them look realistic and also effective. 
  • Advanced filming equipment would be needed as most horror films are shot in the dark or in a location were the lighting in low key.
  • It would also prove difficult to find a good story line that hasn't already been used.   
  • Story lines can be complex and extremely detailed. 

Romance the pros 
  • No complex props, consume or location will need to be used 
  • Can be produced on a reasonably low budget 
  • It also appeals to most teenagers meaning most viewers are able to relate a similar scenario 
Romance the cons 
  • The actors have to be convincing and believable otherwise some scenes will just no work.
  • The dialogue has to be interesting enough to make the viewer grow an attachment to the character
  • some scene may be unacceptable for some viewers 
  • Romance in normally preferred by one genre.  

In my next post I will talk about Early Consideration of the Evaluation Questions.