Friday 27 November 2015

"Show don't tell"

In this post I will talk about the show don't tell production we as a group of four had to put together.

"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of the light on broken glass- Anton Chekhov"

For our show don't tell project we had to create a short film of two people playing some sort of game; however we weren't allowed to use any dialogue only music and sound effects. The film had to include cutaway, match on action, tilts, shot reverse shot, two shot an establishing shot, cross cutting, insert shot, appropriate camera shots, sound effect, sound tracks and a basic titles and credits; however some of the things we didn't included as it may of been disturbing for the audience such as in side of the toilets. We also didn't include a camera zoom.

So then it came to editing we  had to include several sound effects so that the film became interesting for the audience. as well as sound effects we had to add some music that would help build tension and give the audience an on edge feel.

Here is our final Show don't tell project. Enjoy


All together we were allowed two hours to film and edit this Show don't tell so to use all the time to our advantage we made a little plan that included what time we was going to do witch part. 

And here it is.

  • Planning and story board 8:50 to 9:25
  • Shooting on location 9:25 to 10:10
  • Editing 10:10 to 10:50
  • Exhibit 10:50 to 10:55

We as group tried to stick to these very strict time slots we had put together however due to some mistakes and errors that we had to redo we ran over and so had to do the editing and make any tweaks on the shots  in our own time. This did become hard as we had to find out what day and when all of us were free but we manged to get over it. 

As the show and tell was a sort of practice we was able to look at it and see what we did wrong and how we could improve our techniques for our final project and hear is what we found with a lot of help from our teacher Mr Hood and his companions.

  • Chose a appropriate film title
  • we would of had an establishing shot at the beginning instead of going straight to a two shot 
  • Try to get the characters head fully in the frame.
  • Check for wasted space get the shots a bit neater 
  •  check time frames it make sure it realistic

Here is our teachers feedback (good use of a voice over here)

In my next post I will be talking about my Production Team Name and our Logo.