Thursday 26 November 2015

The Evaluation Questions

In this post I will take you through each evaluation project.Even though we are only in the early stages of the production process it proves helpful to know what lines we need to travel;what we need to work towards so that we can get the best out of our production. These questions are from the OCR exam board.  

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

This Question talks about what your final production should achieve.It also states that it should be linked to a specific genre (in our case thriller) your product should include typical conventions of a thriller such as stereotypes and also subversion's and these should be portrayed in our final products. The film must be kept as a thriller and must not sink into another genre such as horror and the story line must be clear.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

This in one of the most important questions that must be taken on board when it comes to planning the product. We have to include the classification of the film, the target audience of the film whether the film includes or is representing at least one of the social groups such as religion, sexuality, gender, etc. and makes sure their not being portrayed in a way that may be offensive to the audience.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

This isn't as important in the early stages of the production as the distributions isn't thought about till we reach the end of the production, however the question is still important and will need to be thought about carefully.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

This question cannot be taken into account as, as of yet we don't actually know the story line and we wouldn't be able to add a target audience as we don't know yet what the film will include. This decision will be made once we have a clearer understanding of our product and will be thought about very carefully.

How did you attract/address your audience?

We decided our genre to be thriller. We have to take into account what makes a good thriller what techniques a thriller film has and what draws in the audience.;What is it about thrillers that the audience can't keep away from. We have to take in account though of what Steve Neale states in his theory that the film has to be different to other thrillers as it may become boring and audiences won't want to watch it.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
This question can only really be answered once we have completed our final product as this is when we can look back at our product and evaluate how each element and technique has helped  us to create a good quality opening to a film such as camera work and lighting.

 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression for it to the full product?

The preliminary task has helped me develop my skills in how to work a camera and also gain knowledge and understanding in different media terms such as in camera work were you use a tilt. we should have more understanding in how to use each piece of equipment needed to make a film and means that we should improve when come to making the final product.

To get good marks in our final product we have to say in detail what it is we have done and also make sure we follow the brief and the mark scheme. a lot has to be taken on board when coming to the final product but if we stick to the brief and mark scheme we should have no problems.   

In my next post i will show you 2 deconstructions of thriller films.