Friday 27 November 2015

Production team name and logo

In this post I will take you through out production group our name and our logo and also 

Our production team includes 3 people Sara(pronounced Sarah), Nareece and me Sarah however if we were to call our team name by our names it would be a bit boring and unprofessional and so we had to come up with a team name, Sounds easy right, well that what we though to begin with but after a few ideas had been given we realized that this wasn't going to be easy. We wanted a name that would symbolize what our group is; how we present ourselves to the viewers.  So after a few ideas, some fall outs and a lot of scrap paper we eventually came up with a name that we could all be proud of. The name we chose was REGIUM. 

At this point you might be thinking well why Regium, Well we chose Regium as it means royal in Latin. When you think of royal it says power that you are better then the rest and that is how we wanted our production team to come across to the viewers. We also chose Regium as our films are of a high and better quality. 

So Know it time to show you our logo. 

Our first draft of our logo was hand drawn on a piece of paper and looked like this 

So to make our Logo look more professional we edited it and made it via a computer the out come was amazing.   

The symbol is a Triskelion Celtic symbol and meant competition and man's progress. It is a greek symbol called Triskelion witch translates to three- legs running. We were inspired to use this symbol from the TV program Tyna wolf and also Merlin(the BBC TV program). 

The symbol relates to femininity and as we are a group of girls the symbol worked quiet nicely the femininity is also portrayed as the symbol is shaded a light purple making us as a team stand out through the crowd.

Reasoning behind the Logo and production name. 

  • Helps to move forward as we want to be the ones to create bigger and better quality films 
  • Add mystery it tells the audience that were no one for a stereotypical story line like jaws we want to be different to be unusual.
How we created the logo? 

We first designed the logo on a scrap piece of paper and was hand drawn and colored in however to make look more professional we edited it via a computer. We used a program called witch allows us to draw designs using shapes, lines and curve tool it also allowed us to color our design in what we wanted it colored.  

In my next post I will be talking about Identifying my target audience