Monday 7 March 2016

Rough cut feedback

So know that we have finished our rough cut this is the time when we show it to an audience ( Our media class) and see what they think of the film opening. By doing this we will be able to identify improvements that we need to make and also see the reaction of the audience at certain times during the film.

Below is the feedback we received from our media class and teacher ( Mr Hood )

Rough cut feedback

What we needed to improve

  1. We needed to change the idents as they didn't match the genre of the film also a fade should be used to show that it is the end of the ident and know we start the action. this will make it look more professional and make the beginning flow better. 
  2. The tracking shot of the garage was in the wrong place as it didn't follow what happened next as instead of walking through a house it looked like the actor was entering the garage and became a bit confusing to the audience. To make this less confusing we will have to as a group decided weather it will be best to get rid of it completely or move to a different point in the film. Mr hood mentioned in the feedback back to move the tracking shot of the garage to where Tam's works out of the kitchen but this will need a lot of discussing 
  3. The titles are out of the save zone and like Mr Hood said in our feedback if this film was shown on an old analogue TV the titles wouldn't be seen so I think we will have to rethink the position of the titles. 
  4. In our rough cut we had a slow motion effect when the lock fell to the floor however even though we really liked this edit during our feedback the slow motion was slightly frowned up on as it gave no purpose to the film it was a useless edit.  Due to these comments we will have to get rid of this scene. and just see Tam unlock the garage. 
  5. In the feedback we found that the pan of the garage was two fast and this made the audience feel uncomfortable due to this the scene will have to be re filmed but making sure the pan is slow and continuous.
  6. The biggest part the audience didn't like was the ending where we see Marc running down the street before turning of to take as seat on the grass. The scene was to long and because you are only watching someone running the audience became bored. To correct this we will probably use a fade to split up,the running and also start the run from where Tam disappears from the drive. We also broke the 180 degree rule as half way through his run it looks like Marc turns back on himself this is easily solved as the shot can simply be flipped in final cut.

From our feedback it is clear we need to re-film some of our film and also edit the colour of some scenes to make an obvious change from day to night.

Next post is our final cut