Monday 7 March 2016

Shooting on Location (Day Two and Three)

So during days two and three we managed to shoot the rest of our film which is what we intended to do. The sessions were successful as all the crew members and both of our actors Marc ( Tyler ) and Tam ( Rachel ) were presents and the filming ran smoothly.

Session Two,

Well session two we chose to film on a Monday( bin day ) because of this we decided to get the scenes involving Marc running down the street done first. The reason we filmed these scenes first were so we didn't have continuity errors with the bins due to the neighbours taking then in or the bin men moving them. Due to us filming on a bin day we found that there wasn't enough space left on the pavement due to the bins being in the way and if we had continued to film on the pavement then the framing wouldn't of been right as Marc's head would of been chopped of. So with our high visibility jackets and a lot of hesitation we took to filming on the road giving us another reason to film these scenes first as we didn't want to be disturbed by bin lorries or rush hour traffic. 
On day two we managed to film, 
  • The scene were Marc ( Tyler ) runs down the street.
  • Tam ( Rachel ) bursts open the doors of her hide out and starts to walk down the drive. 
  • Tam following Marc down the street. 
  • Tam Sneaking up behind Marc and wrapping her hands round his neck.
During session two I contributed by,
  1. Looking and observing for any continuity errors that could be prevented ( even though I did miss one and also checking the safety of the equipment and crew.
  2. While using the tracking equipment I stood at the end of the track to stop the camera sliding of the track I also moved the track along when required so we could make a long tracking shot of Marc ( Tyler ) running. 
  3. I also helped give ideas on how we could improve areas of the film.  
  4. Setting up and putting away equipment and making sure it was in the correct place for the scene.  
Overall I think Day two was successful as we managed to get filmed what we intended to film and solved the issues we came across quickly also all crew members and actors were present. 

Session Three,

As most of the filming was done in session two not much filming needed to be done in session three. We only needed Tam in session three as all Marc's scenes had already been completed and so he had nothing to do. Due to the outdoor filming being done we mainly spent session three in the garage or as its better known as Rachel's hideout. During Session three the filming ran quiet smoothly due to us facing less issues meaning our full attention was on the filming and checking for errors that were made. 
During session three we finished filming,
  • The establishing shot of the garage and the tracking shot up to the garage showing a close-up of the lock.
  • The pan of the garage 
  • Point of view shot showing the murder board 
  • close-up of Tam putting her hood up.
During session three I contributed by,
  1. Looking for any continuity errors and also for issues associated with the filming process.
  2. Setting up of three point lighting and making sure they didn't overheat.
  3. I also had ago at filming the pan of the garage.
  4. came up with ideas. 
Over all session three was really successful as all the filming was completed and mistakes corrected. 

Below is our Vlog of session two and three. Enjoy.