Monday 7 March 2016

Title and Ident construction

Many films begin with two idents one to show the production company and the other to show the distributor. Idents play a mayor part in film and so when producing our rough cut we had to take idents in to consideration. Due to the fact that we couldn't decide what to use for our idents we had to use place holders in our rough cut.When deciding what to use for our ident we had many different suggestions and ideas however we needed two that represented or production team and so we looked and we looked through different styles and genres until eventually we found two that we were all happy with.

Below are our ident we chose to use,

Regium productions ident,


We chose to use this design as we felt it captured the feminine side to our group as all of us are indeed female. We also chose this design as it is similar to our original ident idea that involves the colour purple and moving images. At the end of our ident the movement stops and our production name appears this helps the audience to see and read the name probably. We also decided to add productions to the end of our idents as it makes it seem more neat and professional compared to just having the production name. It also helps identify to the audience what part of the film we were involved in.

Working 4 Films idents 

This is our distribution ident. It was originally used as a joke however when we dug deep into the reason for using it we found that to the audience the name working 4 would come across as a company that makes great and successful films. For this ident we chose to use a film reel due to the fact it looks like the company has had a lot of experience we also used a film reel as the company includes the word film in it name. 


Above is the title of our film this appears right at the end of our film opening.We chose to put the title at then end as it gives the audience chance to react to what they just saw. As a group we decided to keep the title plain and simple. We chose to use white writing as we felt it stands out to the audience and doesn't detract them to much from what they just saw.

Next post is our final rough cut.