Thursday 21 January 2016

Costume research

When creating our film Fatal Envy it is really important that we think about costume as it is the costume that tells the audience who and what the character is and how the costume represents the character. With costume we have to think if the costume fits with the thriller genre we are creating as different colors and types of clothing portrays different things


Tyler's costume 

In our film Tyler is first seen jogging down the street and because of this we decided to dress Tyler in a tracksuit, however Tracksuits can be seen in different ways as different types of tracksuits can imply different things for example if Tyler was seen in an old tracksuit where the colors have faded and are a bit baggy then \Tyler will be portrayed as a lower class chav. If Tyler however was to wear a tracksuit which looks smart and presentable with a cotton look and feel to it, it would make Tyler look more like an athlete and that he cares about his appearance which is what we want to be portrayed the fact that he is wearing a branded tracksuit also shows the audience that he is from a middle class background.

Here is the tracksuit Tyler will be wearing.

Below are two clips one clip is how we want Tyler to be portrayed and the other is quiet the opposite.


Even though what rocky is wearing may look luck a bit chavy to today's people when rocky was filmed this types of tracksuits were quiet fashionable. In this clip rocky is seen as the athletic type who wants to keep fit and healthy  which is how we want Tyler to be portrayed by the viewer in our film Fatal Envy. Another clip that shows athleticism is,

Captain America

This scene shows how the clothes we have picked for Tyler will be used to portray Tyler's athletic side.

How we don't want Tyler to be portrayed.

We don't want Tyler to be portrayed like a chav for example the image below,

This image shows what a stereo typical chav would wear.

Tyler's Shoes 

The shoes that Tyler will be wearing will be vans,

We chose to use vans as professional skateboarders wear them as they give a good grip.As well as being worn by skateboarders vans are seen as a athletic brand. Tyler will be seen jogging down the street in shoes like these obviously showing his athletic side also vans like these are not cheap and there for will portray that Tyler is from a middle class status. Another reason why we chose to use vans is that they are highly in fashion with the younger people mostly men. 

Rachel's Costume

When it comes to Rachel's costume we need to represent the fact that she is a revengeful murderer this is why we decided to dress Rachel in all black as the color black represents Death, darkness and mystery witch sums up Rachel's personality.
Rachel will be wearing black skin tight jeans, grey polo shirt, black hoodie and black boots.
An example of her costume is shown below.


We decided to use this Outfit as it is seen as casual and a every day look it also links in with her age as this type of clothing is seen a fashionable. Rachel will wear the jeans, t-shirt and boots when in her house and then the jacket will cover the t-shirt when she is outside. The boots that will be worn by Rachel will be doc martin we chose these as, as well as them being fashionable to the younger generation they also look like combat boots this will make Rachel look more masculine and adventurous this will also portray to the audience how Rachel is ant-stereotypical women. The hoodie will be black also showing the mysterious side to Rachel and that she can't be trusted we chose to use the hoodie as hoodie can be worn to hide away from others and as she is trying to stalk and kill Tyler obviously she doesn't want to be seen. 
Below is our formal costume list,

Representation of films ( Hunger games )

District 1

 These are shown as the most wealthy district who can afford luxury such as high quality food,perfume.The posh clothing and bright colors also portray high class background and also shows that they think there better then any one else
Example shown below,

District 2 

There isn't much different between district 1 and 2 as district two are still quiet wealthy this is shown the beautiful brig rant color of gold that they are wearing as gold is seen as expensive. 
Example shown below,

District 11

District 11 is nothing like district 1 or 2 they are seen as one of the poorer district who can't afford luxuries like good quality food or perfume they have to make do with what they have. There clothing portrays they class as working class as they are dressed in a american style outfit.
Example below of district 11

District 12

District 12 is the poorest district even though there clothes don' portray this it can be seen by the fact the clothes are very plain and also a boring color of black.
Example of district 12

Representation of films don't however need to be on the wealth of some one it can also be the convection's of anti and stereotypical characters for example.

Sharpay and Lara croft 

Sharpay is a stereotypical women. wearing high heels, dresses makeup and not one hair out of place. This shows her femininity and is how the audience expects to see a women character.


Lara croft on the other hand challenges the convection's of a stereotypical. The costume she wears suggest that she is more masculine compared to sharpay this is shown by the fact that she is wearing dirty old shirts and a normal white polo shirt the type of costume you would expect to see a male wearing in the face of a battle or on combat duty 

In my next post I will be talking about Props research and formal list