Thursday 21 January 2016

Location Research

Location forms a big and important part in the world of film. Location helps portray the story to the audience. For example for a thriller the location is normally low key lighting and a spooky lonely place as it makes the atmosphere more scary and tense to the viewer. If the thriller was filmed in a place with high key lighting and pretty and bright colors then the tense atmosphere wouldn't be portrayed.

Action Films 
Most action films use location such as cities or public places this is due to the fact that action films tend to use a lot of explosions and public places helps portray  terror to the audience as innocent people may be getting hurt.

Here is two example of a Action films.

White House Down

Drive angry

Comedy Films
Comedy Films try to use location that appear in peoples lives such as their home or public streets and markets they make the audience laugh by touching on what happens in real life situation making people engaged in the film.

Here are two example of  comedy films

Carry on doctor

Happy Gilmore 

Horror films 
Horror film are normally filmed in a spooky locations such as in a dark forest or a dark lonely house that is in the middle of no where normally surrounded by trees. 

Here are two examples of a Horror film

The women in black

The boy

Location research for our film Fatal Envy

A lot of things have to be considered when it comes to the location of a film. When deciding for the location of our film Fatal Envy we considered that our location would represent and suit the genre of our film.( Thriller)
When considering what location to use for our film we came up with two places our local park or Nareece's house and green space surrounding it. The benefits of the park was that  no cars would be  needed to get us there and would also have a  large filming space to work with. However when we came down to the nitty gritty parts such as continuity errors we found that the park would be unsuitable as we couldn't stop cars passing through the street while filming a scene and also we wanted to portray the status of our protagonist to show that she is from a low class background.
So in the end we decided to shoot our film at Nareece's house as we can store equipment safe and securely, the street is quiet peaceful with hardly now cars or people passing through it. meaning their is a lower chance of a continuity error.

Below is a presentation which show the location our team have chosen and also why we chose it.

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In my next post I will talk about costume research.

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