Wednesday 6 January 2016

Recording sound on location and ADR

As all of you will know recording sound is one of the most important when it comes to filming but recording on location is never as easy as it sounds.You come across problems such as the wind, rain and snow witch can course sound issues when the film is played back as you may come across rustling that has been caused by the wind making it difficult to hear the dialogue. Another  problem is if the character is at a distance it may be difficult to get a high quality sound as the microphone can not pick up their voices this is where the ADR comes in. The ADR stands for Automated dialogue replacement this is where you can re- record the dialogue back in the studio however as the actors have said the dialogue in the filming process when coming to the ADR they need to make sure they say the exact same thing again else it wont match the films dialogue. Below I explain further recording on location and also some of the audio technical codes Enjoy!

Recording sound on location.

Obviously when it comes recording on location you have to have a recorder and a microphone the image below is some instruction on how to use the recorder and microphones and how to import it into the final cut

291668613 on Location Recorder Instructions

Issues and Solutions when recording on location.

Recording on location isn't always as easy as it sounds, Sounds can have many different issues that makes your recording life hell. To prevent this solutions have been but in place, some are mentioned below,

Wind and other sorts of weathers, wind and weather is a big problem when it comes to recording on location as the wind interferes with the microphone giving an annoying rustling or hissing sound over the actors voice. To prevent this from happening fur is put on the outside of the microphone this stops the wind hitting the microphone directly as the fur slows down the wind and acts as a sort of wind break this stops the hissing sound from occurring. You may of seen these types of microphones on news channels or interview where they are most commonly used.

Boom operators, When recording at a distance way from the action then other noises are picked up and it is hard to hear the actors voices this makes it difficult to hear what the actors are saying also if you have a close up of actors talking but the camera men have no choose but to record the sound from a distance then the sound and the action won't match.To prevent this a boom operator is used. A boom operator is an assistant of the production team their responsibility is to replace the microphone with a boom mic ( a long pole with a microphone attached to the end ) their aim is to hold or balance the boom mic as close to the actors as humanly possible without allowing the boom mic to enter the camera frame. This is a difficult and tiresome job. In some cases in film you can see the microphone hovering in the frame ( major continuity error )

Ambient noise - Ambient noise is the background noises or sounds that are heard in a scene or on location. Ambient noises can be anything from Wind, Water, Birds, Crowds, office noises etc. These types of sounds are really important  when it comes to film as it provides

  • Audio continuity between shots
  • An unnatural silence when no other sound is present
  • helps change the mood 
However on  some occasions when filming ambient sounds are not wanted and it just gets in the way. To prevent hearing ambient sound without spending a fortune for a special sound proof room solutions have to been but in place. One solution is the use of a directional microphone. These are microphones that are sensitive to sound from various directions some microphones can pick up sounds from all directions others from only one direction each microphone has a different pattern and each pattern does a  different job if you want  to capture sound equally from all directions then a Omnidirectional pattern is used or if you want to isolate the sound then a Hypercardioid pattern is used such as shot guns this helps give a clearer sound as it cuts out the ambient sound.

 To further your understanding of the solutions above here are some Examples,          

Boom operator    

Sound tips


Ambient sound ( basic understanding of ambient but it is funny)        


Technical code

I have put the Technical codes in a emaze for you to make it a little more interesting 

   Powered by emaze


Boom Microphones
A boom microphone is basically a metal pole with a microphone (usually a shotgun microphone) and all its components attached to the end some people refer to this item as a dead cat on a pole. It is useful for recording on location as the person recording doesn't have to stand right up close to the actor to get a good sound quality instead a boom microphone allows you to get a good quality of sound by standing a distance away from the action this means that the sound operator doesn't have to enter the frame,however if you are recording dialogue then you need to make sure that the microphone is pointing towards the actors mouth it not then sound quality could be poor. The boom microphone is controlled by a person called the boom operator who's job is to hold the boom mic above the action and also to follow the action to make sure the sound is at a good standard throughout the scene they are shooting. They also have to make sure the microphone is pointing in the wright place. This can become a very tiresome job and can lead to the microphone entering the frame due to the operator arms aching or an accidental slip.
Below is a video explaining what a boom microphone is, how it works and also the different 


Lavaliere microphone

A lavaliere microphone also known as a lav or a label microphone is a small electret that is most commonly used for TV and Theatre. They are used so that the people using them are hands free meaning they can move and do what ever they like without relying on a microphone for sound however the person using the devise is limited to movement as the microphone can rub against their clothes coursing static and also if they move their head to much then the sound has a tendency to drop out. If a lavaliere are used in film then it is a good idea to use a lavaliere microphone with a boom microphone, this will make sure that all the relevant sound is recorded properly. Most lavaliere microphones come with a clip so that it can be clipped onto clothing such as belts, collars and ties. Lavalieres usually come with there own power source and is normally a small battery pack.
Below is a video showing some tips on how to use a lav microphone and also a video to gain further your knowledge of what a lav microphone is,

What is a lav microphone ( funny but tells you what is needed


Tips and  Tricks


Shotgun microphone

A shot gun microphone is a directional microphone commonly used in TV and movie making. They are used to amplify sound directly in front of the microphone rather then the ambient sounds, however can pick up some sound from the left, right and rear of the mic. A shot gun microphone is a narrow shaped microphone and is so named because when the mic is mounted on a camera it takes the shape of a shotgun and also like a shotgun it has to be pointing at its target in order to be useful. Shotgun microphones are good to use for things such as, talks, speeches or conferences as they don't have to hold the microphone in order to record their voices instead they can stand and talk at a distance as long as they talks to the front of the mic.
Below is some videos that explain what a shot gun microphone is and also how they are used.

How shot gun microphones work



pop shield

When recording or speaking through a microphone the mic can pick up certain letters better then others such as Ps giving a poping effect that occurs through fast moving air. To prevent this a pop filter is used this prevents the pop noises from occuring. Pop shields can also be used to keep moisture of the microphone that could course mold to grow.  Pop filters/shields are a circler divice commoly made out of woven nylon that is streched over the circular frame and often includes a clamp and a flexible mounting bracket. Pop filters are most commonly used forindoor use such as a recording studio.
Below is some videos to help you understand further what a pop shield is,

What is a pop filter ( this video also tell s you how to make your own pop filter which is pretty cool it tells you what you need to know though)