Wednesday 20 January 2016

The Treatment

What is a treatment

A treatment is unlike any other type of writing. It the blueprint for a screenplay or theatrical play that never gets produced or published. A treatment plans everything from camera moment to where the characters enter the scene or frame. In both television and film making the most common treatments are Original dramatic treatment, (treatment of dramatic story line invented by the writer) Adaptation treatment and treatment or true stories. The treatment can be used for the storys development and written pitches.

Below are two examples of a treatment and the actual film. But did the films stick by the treatment?

Toy Story Treatment

toy story                                                                                                                                                    

The original film of Toy Story

As you can see films don't necessarily follow the treatment for example in Toy story the film was suppose to start in a factory according to the treatment when in the final film the film started in a young boys bedroom.

Part of Ghost riders Treatment

Treatment Ghost Rider

Here is the treatment for our film Fetal Envy

292429127 Fatal Envy Film Treatment2

In my next post I will talk about film scripts.