Friday 22 January 2016

Shooting schedule

What is a shooting schedule 

A shooting schedule is a detailed plan or a list of all the days you are filming, filming times, who is needed and crew members needed. This is so the crew and the actors don't get confused on what day they are filming what bit it allows them keep on track of what has been filmed and what needs to be filmed.

What people need to remember when it comes to the shooting is that the scene don't need to be filmed in order. It is much easier to film all the shots from one location and time period first as it is much more easier and convenient for the people involved in the film making process. It would be impossible to film in chronological order. For example if the actor you are using has to grow a beard they wont wait for ages for the beard grow then just shave it of they will employ the actor once the beard has grown then they will shoot all the scene that include the actor with the beard first then they will shave it off and do the scenes where the actors don't have a beard. Many film are also filmed in different location and so it would seem pointless for the crew and the equipment to keep travelling to different location just because that location is where the next seen is however it makes sense to film all the scene from one location first the move to another location after.

Example of a film that was shot not in order

When filming harry potter a lot of different locations were used such as the Dursleys house, the train and Hogwarts. so the crew decided to do one location first then move to the next location.

Train scene


The Dursleys House 

Hogwarts scene

Our shooting schedule 

When creating our shooting schedule we had to talk to our two actors on what days would be the most convenient for them. on our first shooting we only needed the crew and Tamarin Webster but on the second we need every one. we also had to take into account what equipment we needed as we had to book them out and also what time of day is the best to film

Here is our finished shooting scheduled